Renalysis Medical Care
Taicha Medical Corp. (Shanghai)

Inherited from the American Davita® medical care system and following Davita® specifications, it focuses on dialysis quality index analysis and project improvement to improve the overall quality of care. In daily operation standards, there are strict operation standards and specifications for environmental cleaning and disinfection, equipment maintenance, etc.
Treating patients as relatives and ensuring the safety of kidney patients has always been the service spirit and operating standards of the clinics managed by Hi-Clearance Inc. Healthcare Services (Co., Ltd.). We assist the clinic to provide a safe and warm treatment environment so that kidney patients can complete every treatment in a comfortable environment. The ultimate goal of dialysis treatment is to help people with kidney disease and their families return to their daily lives.

service items:
As a professional dialysis service management company, we provide professional management services and high-quality working environment for dialysis clinics. Our service items are as follows:

  • Human resources management and planning
  • Staff education and training
  • Accounting and inventory management
  • Clinical data analysis and treatment quality supervision and improvement plan
  • Operation planning of dialysis clinics
  • Other medical management consulting services



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